So you’ve clicked on the “About” section. Well waddya wanna know? Are you thinking “the heck is this, I wanna watch that movie with Lebron Jordan”? Or maybe you were supposed to type “Space Hams” like so many of us have before and an unchecked typo led you to an unsolicited webpage for which you needed to know MORE “about”? Or maybe you’ve heard of this lil endeavour of ours and wanna know more? If the latter, continue reading. If not, keep searching or hit netflix. And chill.
Space Jams keeps changing. We like that. Keeps us and everyone on their toes. Best way to describe it though is an SA based touring festival featuring (for the most part) local original music. We are HUGE ambassadors and fans of the local music scene. We’re also big on reaching regional areas and having fun on a tour bus! We love diversity, inclusivity, cross-genres, camping, arts, and creating a vibe. Sometimes we do 1 show a year, sometimes 10!
We’re heaps into long strolls on the beach, that’s why we mostly hit coastal towns, but northwards isn’t off the cards! We’ve done Robe, Inman Valley, Myponga, Goolwa, Pt Lincoln, Streaky Bay, Ceduna, Port Kenny, Mt Gambier and of course Adelaide!
We’ve won awards, which we’re both humbled and stoked about. Back to back SA Music Awards for “Best Small Festival/Event” in 2021 and 2022. And scored many nominations including “Best Innovation” and “Best Regional Activation/Venue”. Speaking of way back, do you wanna know how this thing started and evolved? Of course you do, it’s not long and boring at all… (warning: may cause longness and/or boredom, read on at viewers own risk).
It’s hard to believe that Space Jams started out as a once-off DIY Instagram live-stream music festival during lockdown in 2020! Since then it’s gone from strength to strength evolving from a monthly online festival into a multi-sellout mini-fest at Jive. Following that, a massive leap took the local festival on the road for the South Coast Tour, showcasing 25 artists in 7 towns across the state including a big 2-stage 14-artist finale at UniBar ADL, earning Space Jams the 2021 SA Music Award for “Best Small Festival”. The following couple of years saw multiple shows/tours in regional SA and another SA Music Award win! Local film-maker Mark Tipple followed the origins of Space Jams closely from its conception and produced a mini-doco released at the end of 2020.
The festival has featured the likes of West Thebarton, Teenage Joans, The Shaolin Afronauts, Timberwolf, The Empty Threats, Wanderers, Stellie, DyspOra, TOWNS, and many many more.
“…this ten-hour long marathon is perhaps the best thing South Australian music fans can hope for until local [live music] venues are able to reopen” – The Adelaide Review
Oh… you’re still here. Well shit. Thought you’d have stopped a while back… nobody reads this far.
I’ll show myself out.
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©2025 Space Jams. Working and Creating on Kaurna Land. Site by Hand to Sky.